2019年9月25日 星期三


last update  2.5.2021

宜家thru agency 去唔同病房工作.有時間, 就係屋企睇下張交更紙, google 下0的 short form, 藥, 問下朋友. 自學中.不過係醫院, IC聽完個 phone order, 自己唔寫, 叫我寫. . 有一次係某教學醫院, Day 1有人派過血壓葯比阿婆, Day 2 寫無葯, Day 3我揾唔到隻葯, 同 ic 講. ic 話佢血壓唔係好高,就算. 阿婆發我脾氣, 話自己食咗咁多年, 日日都食. 我咪fax 去葯房幫佢攞葯. 不過據經驗, stat 葯都成3-4 粒鐘先有. 有時我都替澳洲0的病人慘.

初初我曾經有念頭,唔想係度做nurse. 不過做住Agency, 責任相對唔大,開始習慣啦. 起碼有工作就好了.其實每日都好充實, 好多野可以學.

ACAS: Asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis study
ACCR: Aged Care client record
AKI: acute kidney injury
APDC: As per Drug Chart
ATOR: At Time of Report
CALD: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
CTPA: CT pulmonary angiogram
DT: drain tube

DWT: daily weight
FAC : Forearm crutches
FBE: Full blood Exam
FNC: Full nursing care
FWT: Full ward Test = Urine test by Multitix
GAMP: General Anesthetic and Manipulation of Plaster
GEM: Geriatric Evaluation Management
HFR: high fall risk
ICC: intercostal catheter
IDC: indwelling catheter= foley
LOMT: limitation of medical therapy
MCI: mild cognitive impairment
MPUF: modified pick up frame
MVA: motor vehicle accident
OP: osteoporosis
PAC: Pressure Area Care
PRC: permanent residential care
PVR: post Void residue 即係做 bladder scan
RACF: Residential aged care facility
RPAO: Routine Post Anaesthetic Orders
RTW: return to ward
SRS: Supported Residential Services
STML: Short term memory loss
STS (mobility): Sit-to-Stand
TCP: transition care program
TOV: trial of void
UE: Urea and Electrolyte
WBAT: Weight bearing as tolerated
WBBS: Whole body bone scan

FWD: Full ward Diet
LWD: soft diet, free from fat/ fibre
Vitamised diet= smooth, blend with nutir fluid

See Recommendations for terminology, abbreviationsand symbols used in medicines documentation

有樣同香港好唔同0既野, 就係 nurse intiated medication有 D地方nurse可以initiate lab or radiology test. oncology nurse 可initiate K supplement
度度唔同, 而我見最common 的如下
cough syrup
coloxyl with senna
gastrogel(antacid) 15ml

Chlorvescent.= potassium supplement
Colofac(mebeverine) for IBS
FESS: nasal spray

Klacid = clarithomycin
microlax= microenema
Movical = Marovic
Norspan(opioid) patch for pain
Noxicid= nexium
Prozac for depression
Somac= Panoprazole
Two Cal in drug chart 其實係milk supplement Ensure
Ural= cranberry powder
Zactin= Lovan  (contain Fluoxetine) for depression
去水丸叫water tablet

DD (S8) see 
Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons
Oxycontin (Oxycotin) controlled release

Oxycodone (brand name:Endone,)/oxynorm:  fast acting
tapentadol/ palexia
oxycodone and naloxone.

我係ward 其中一款 infusion pump: Infusomat 有興趣可以睇下點用

氧氣機 Airvo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hqQwy1X5ME

Sara Stedy Lift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp31cs9nrb8

Sara Plus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLGSGlX2jgM

澳洲多醉酒佬, 評估 Alcohol withdrawal Scale (AWS)

Dressing material


Aquacel Ag



Ceiling of care= no CPR

need a chaperone借眼

Crushing Guide for oral Medication

Crushing Problem

Diabetes Australia https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/blood-glucose-monitoring

By Stroke Foundation https://informme.org.au/

